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Index of /files/scripts/c/ptrace_w_gdb/
A simple example of how to manipulate the value of a memory address of another process.
  1. First off, compile the programs using gcc.
  2. Spin up the target and get its pid
  3. Go into gdb using the pid of the target gdb -p <pid>
  4. In gdb, find the memory address of the variable: p &secret, and copy it
  5. Finally, run the injector with the pid and the address of the variable: ./injector <pid> <address>

This'll only work if the variable is not in the stack or in the register, hence why we're placing it outside of the main scope.

Filename Modified Size Type
[Parent Directory]---
injector.c14/02/25 21:5514/02/251.1 KiB[Download][Save]
target.c14/02/25 21:1014/02/25222 B[Download][Save]
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